what i've been reading, listening to, watching and talking about...
i zipped through wayne shorter's biography. i personally feel he is the greatest living musician, but though i've listened to his music for 25 years or so, prior to the book i knew very little about him. the book is wonderful and insightful. literally, one i couldn't put down. i am currently reading neal gershenfeld's, when machines start to think. he will be speaking at our college tomorrow.
over the past few days, i watched breakfast at tiffany's for the first time. last night i watched harold and kumar go to white castle. i also obtained on dvd, wonderfalls, a cancelled favorite. i had newver seen breakfast at tiffany's before. i liked it, but from what i read, the movie was watered down a bit - hollywood-ized - from capote's novel - and that rings true... harold and kumar was a new high in lows or something like that - very funny - and with a good heart, but sometimes they pressed the jokes a bit too far. but wonderfalls, ah, wonderfalls! it was on fox for four episodes before it was cancelled. the entire series is no available on dvd, including the nine or so episodes which didn't air. i watched the premiere again yesterday and it was as good as i remembered... can't wait to see the rest...
gary burton's generations has been dominating my listening. one of the most underrated musuicans in jazz, because, perhaps of his instrument (vibes). burton is known for giving a start to great young musicians. pat metheny and john scofield both played in his band early in their careers. this record features 16 year old prodigy, Julian Lage.
over the past two days, i have been intereviewed by 2 local papers about blogs for upcoming articles. if they, or anyone else needs a photo of me and fellow blogger, cindy zellers, here you go...

p.s. i think my wife must have been on a ladder for this - she's no where near this close to my height!
Did you see the recent online article where a writer listened to records with Shorter? I'll have to dig up the link.
I'm glad to see the media interviewing an interesting and intelligent blogger, spread the word!
no i haven't...
listening to records with wayne shorter must be like going to the movies with quentin tarantino, going for a drive with richard petty, surfing the web w/tim berners-lee, getting drunk with keith richards...
I feel a little jealous, seeing that your wife isn't make-believe...
As we say in Iceland, you two look like a couple.
lol, karen
thanks, kristin...
By the way, the missus has a total animal cut.
thanks to your recent post, i know this is a compliment!
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