August 16, 2004

aron ralston

by now, most of you have heard of aron ralston, the hiker who, when trapped by a boulder cut his own hand off to save his life.

this month's outside magazine has a preview of his new book (which i pre-ordered)...

wow... intense reading - i can't imagine doing this. kind of makes it hard to complain about the little crick i've had in my back/neck lately....

they feature a few other great survival stories - one of which syas something like - the body can endure more than what the mind thinks it can.

i remember manouso manos, a very senior iyengar yoga teacher, said in a seminar i attended "the mind gives up in the poses before the body does..." that stuck with me and i have found that many of life's problems are surmountable if you just approach them with bulldog-like determination...

outside is my favorite magazine - not esquire, which i remember saying in an earlier blog posting

Posted by Mike at August 16, 2004 04:06 PM
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