if you were concerned, i am ok. if you were not concerned, i am still ok. tired and tongue-tied - at least blog-wise. had an intense "freedom of speech" debate in my grad school class i am taking. guess what side i chose in a debate about a student who created a web site on his own time, on his own equipment that was a work of fiction, yet was potentially inflammatory?
i am so, so, tired - ready for the end of the term...
anyhow, my offer still stands - ask me a question and i'll post about it...
really getting into css design... printed out my site, cut it up and am arranging it on paper, as i did in the school paper back in the late 20th century - should see the fruits of my labor soon...
in the mean time, has anyone ever wrote funnier lyrics than:
They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife to Italy, She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came to me. I can't help it if I'm lucky.
i'd post the entire song, but it is kinda bitter and i don't want to give the wrong impression to anyone. i'm tired yet cheerful as opposed to tired and cranky...